Monday, February 28, 2011

First post

A gladiator is defined as a prizefighter; a person who fights publicly for cause. My prize is my prize and my cause is my mental health. Each post will be different. I do not have a streamlined theme. That is the thing about an addict, we can go anywhere we want to in our mind and it is all meaningful. Some days may not be full of roses and sunshine, but other days will be on top of cloud nine. Always be aware of the edge though, the drop off of that cloud is a long ways down!

I am a runner, triathlete, daughter, sister, friend, lover, confidant, cook, baker, eater, enabler and self proclaimed diva. I am addicted to my life now, and living it, accepting it and making each day another day that I want to live again.

I love to talk about my athletic endeavors, food, emotions and whatever else is roaming around in my brain.

I am in love. For the first time I can say that it is true. I want people to roll their eyes at me. I want people to smile big and sigh because they understand.

Today is a good day. I am stringing together many good days lately. I love myself. That is not something I have always been able, willing or wanting to say. I used to think it was conceited and vein to say it. I can help nobody if I can't love myself.

1 comment:

  1. You write amazing well. Yay! Your first post since we started on this blog journey. Hopefully I will follow soon.
